• noblehealthconsultancy@gmail.com
  • +123 456 7890

in 2022, we trained more than 1000 health workers across Somalia.

We work to help build a strengthened health system in Somalia

We believe the primary health care approach through  the use of the national EPHS-2020 is the best way forward for Somalia's journey towards reaching the UHC goal. 

Lets help Somalia reach the UHC goal
what we do

We help build a resilient health system for Somalia.

Health system Activities

Our health system strengthening activities help national and sub-national authorities.


Our WASH activities prioritize IPDS and other vulnerable communities in the country.

We Build the capacity of Institutions

Our highly qualified team works with national and sub-national institutions and provide evidence-informed advice and technical support.

We believe that by implementing the national EPHS-2020, Somalia will be close to achieving the UHC goal by 2030.

With our talented and diverse professional, we are dedicated to offering high quality consultants
training , healthcare services and innovative solutions to challenges faced by our clients.

Core values:

  • Respect for human rights at all times
  • Service excellence
Help us support Somalia's UHC goal